Principles for
Human Rights
in Fiscal Policy

A collaborative civil society initiative to put human rights
and social justice at the center of tax and public spending policies


What is the initiative?

The Initiative for Human Rights Principles in Fiscal Policy seeks to develop and promote a compendium of Principles and Guidelines that summarize the human rights standards applicable to fiscal policy.

The compendium translates general human rights standards into more concrete guidelines that are easy to implement and are based on a rigorous analysis of different sources.

In addition to generating the principles and guidelines document, the project aims to encourage the use and implementation of The Principles and Guidelines by regional, national and local actors.

Human Rights Principles in Tax Policy


The Initiative for the Principles of Human Rights in Fiscal Policy has different work structures. In all cases, the diversity of gender, regional, and disciplines of those who make up the structures is promoted, to ensure that the process of development and dissemination of the principles and guidelines is open, informed, and representative.

The Project

The Initiative develops and promotes a document of general principles and specific guidelines on human rights standards applicable to fiscal policy. It puts human rights at the center of tax discussions.

The Team

Meet the group of experts from different disciplines and countries that contribute to the development of the principles and guidelines, and the civil society organizations that support the initiative.


The foundations of the Initiative were laid years ago, when different organizations and people from all over Latin America and the Caribbean began to work in the field of tax justice and human rights.


The Initiative is a project focused on Latin America and the Caribbean, organized in an open, collaborative, and interdisciplinary manner, with an emphasis on gender and regional diversity.

It has two major components:
A Committee of Experts, in charge of drafting and adopting the principles and guidelines.
A Steering Committee, composed of seven organizations in the region in charge of the administration of the initiative and the communication and dissemination of the principles and guidelines.

Details on who integrate and support this initiative can be found in the About Us section.



Los Principios

Principios Version Corta

Principios en Quechua

Principios Ilustrados


Conoce Nuestro Blog

Documentos y Fuentes

El Proyecto

Comité Impulsor

Comité de Expertos/Expertas

Preguntas y Respuestas


Semanas por la Justicia Fiscal



Teléfono: +1(718) 237-9145

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Principles of Human Rights in Fiscal Policy. ©2025